Rolling Hills Library provides test proctoring service to support distance learning students in our communities. If it is determined that a proctoring request is unreasonable or its demands are too burdensome to administer, the library reserves the right to deny any request for this service.
- The library does not charge a fee for proctoring. All expenses, including copying and postage, are the responsibility of the test-taker. The library does not charge to email or fax testing materials. When a test is to be mailed to the school or professor/instructor, an addressed, stamped envelope with appropriate postage must be provided by the school or the test-taker before the test is administered. Copies of completed exams will not be retained by the library.
- The library provides a public computer workstation with Internet access for online exams. These workstations do not allow installation of any additional software. It is the test-taker’s responsibility to ensure that the library’s computer resources are adequate for their test-taking requirements. We cannot guarantee that a computer will be provided in a separate area or private room for test taking.
- The exam or the instructions for taking the exam online must be sent to library staff at the library’s street address, fax number, or via e-mail to libstaff@rhcl.org. The test-taker must contact the library, by e-mail, phone, or in-person, at least 48 hours in advance to schedule an appointment to take the test. A member of the library staff will proctor the test.
- The library cannot guarantee quiet conditions for test-taking. The library does not guarantee that the test-taker will be under observation at all times.
- Staff will verify the identity of the test-taker by requiring presentation of picture identification before administering the exam.
- Test-takers should not bring cellular phones or other equipment or materials prohibited by the exam instructions into the library. If such materials are brought into the library, they may be left at a service desk during the exam; however, the library is not responsible for these items.
- Test-takers are responsible for supplying all materials, such as pencils and calculators. Scratch paper is usually available at the library.
- The library will not hold tests beyond their expiration dates. If the test has not been taken by that time, it will be destroyed. Once a test is sent via e-mail or fax and confirmation is received, any original test documents will be destroyed.
- Library staff will not sign a proctoring verification that attests to any circumstances or conditions that are not accurate in describing the test taking conditions. When the library agrees to proctor a test, any staff member trained and oriented to administer tests may proctor tests. We do not guarantee any individual staff person will be the specific person administering the test.