Check out our Site Cam! You will be able to watch the building grow from the ground up. This view faces east. On the other side of the power lines is Riverside Road. Should be some amazing sunrises with this view!
Rolling Hills Library was established in 1961, so we are a relatively young library district. For a brief period, we operated as a regional library with SJPL, but that was over 20 years ago. Our district boundaries follow the 1965 city limits of St. Joseph (see this map for more detail). We have a long-standing agreement with SJPL to offer each other's residents a library card at no charge, and that will not change.
Our building at 1900 N. Belt Highway was designed as a commercial strip mall with space underneath for a construction business and residence. The library rented half of the basement until 2003 when the entire building was purchased and renovated. Currently, we have no tenants in the street-facing units on the upper level and use this space for meeting rooms, library administration, and the Friends of the Library bookstore called Books Revisited.
Libraries are about PEOPLE, PLACES, and PROSPERITY. Every community with a high quality of life has a well-funded and active public library. Our taxpayers deserve the best possible library service with facilities and resources designed to be flexible and become what our users need far into the future.